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Fall Vibes | Learning to Fall-Back

Embracing EVERY season.

Anyone that knows me, knows I absolutely love fall. It's something about the break it gives from the intense Summer heat. Don't get me wrong, I love Summer. But by the time that July and August heat roll around, you need a break. Well I do at least lol. Something about fall allows me to take a deep breath and take a pause.

“There is purpose even in this season."

There is beauty in every season. But some seasons are more intense than others. There have been seasons of my life when I felt like I was suffocating. Overwhelmed, stressed out, and inadequate to face what I was dealing with.

There have also been seasons when I felt that I was dying of boredom. Not doing enough, not creating impact, not being noticed.

Isn't it something how we always find a way to be unsatisfied? Always wanting to be in a different season than the one we're in, then we get to the next season and start to miss the previous one? Chile. A mess.

I have had to learn to fall back. To embrace whatever season God has me in. If it's busy... I embrace it and give thanks for opportunity and exposure. I do my best to honor my mind and body during those times and still carve out generous amounts of time for rest and prioritize connection with my creator.

When life, business, and opportunity feel slow, I embrace it. I give thanks for rest that maybe I just didn't know I needed. Rather than giving God attitude for slowing me down (which I have been guilty of), I do my best to ask God for guidance and clarity. I make efforts to draw closer to God, volunteer, and spend time with my community.

What season are you in?

I think it is important to audit your feelings, your spirit, and your mind.

journal prompt...

  1. How does my spirit feel in this season? (empty, full, disconnected, fearful, etc.)

  2. How does my mind feel in this season? (overwhelmed, stuck, cloudy, clear, etc.)

  3. How does my schedule feel in this season? (busy, intentional, cluttered, etc.)

  4. How can I better embrace this season? (be more present, trust God, take risks, slow down, etc.)

Photography La La Media Company

Perfect Peace in Every Season.

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts you. -Isaiah 26:3

What I want for myself more than anything is peace. I have not always had peace of mind. I remember being in a season when I felt that my company was taking off and getting into a grove. I had multiple open design projects, was juggling college, and attending every event I possibly could. I was busy and felt that I was doing good. But there was something I didn't have: PEACE. I was not sleeping, I was so overwhelmed, and couldn't tell left from right.

I had projects and my company was finally making money (I thought it was money at that time lol), but I didn't like the projects I had. I was going to events and making connections, but I wasn't present, and could barely remember the names of the people I met.

When I had no projects, barely any income, and stayed in the house, but spent time with God, I had peace. I realized first hand that it will never be the connections, the money, the opportunities that bring me peace, it will only be God. He brings all those things AND peace. For me, peace is the most valuable gift that only God has the ability to give me. Having battled depression and anxiety, I plan to keep my mind stayed on God, so he'll keep me in perfect peace.

God has only proven to me that He is faithful. No matter what season you're in.. know that all things are working together for your good. Know that timing is everything and things will fall into place when the time is right. Nothing good ever comes from rushing.


There are so many ways to show up as your best self! I trust that you will put in the work and make it happen one way or another. Let me know in the comments how your journaling exercise went🖤

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