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Life of an Interior Design Assistant...

How a dream came true from a simple college assignment and an Instagram dm.

In November of 2021 my entrepreneurship professor created an assignment for me that required me to reach out and connect with different individuals in my industry. This certainly was not on my priority list as I had so much going on in my life at the time. But it was for a grade and I knew better than to take it lightly. Who would've known it would become one of my most impactful assignments.

Sliding in the DM"s Professionally.

On October 11th, 2021 I sent Stephanie Beverly an Instagram DM to see if she'd be willing to meet with me. If I am being honest, I didn't have high exceptions. I have lost count of the amount of designers I have tried to connect with (both in the interior design and event design space), only to get no response.

But to my surprise, she replied and agreed to meet with me on October 13th, 2021 at 4:00pm. We agreed on Starbucks and shared a lovely conversation. It felt like a breath of air and I was adamant about her reaching out to me if she needed any help with interior design projects. She honored my requests and after a few dinner dates, I was hired on as her interior design assistant. Who would've thought within two months of meeting and chatting, a whole job would come out that dm. Not me.

Again, I had reached out to countless designers simply for conversation, advice, and connection. The level of competition that you find in the design industry is astounding. So many in this space do not want to help others. But that is simply another conversation (blog) for another day.

It's the mentorship for me...

To date, I have assisted Stephanie on over 10 projects and have grown as a designer and business owner tremendously. Her willingness to train me, mentor me, and make space for me in the design industry is something I will forever be grateful for. She didn't have to do that. She still doesn't. But she continues to show up with a kind heart and gives so much to me and those coming up in the industry.

This blog is about the power of networking. The power of community. The power of mentorship. The power of putting yourself out there and asking. Asking for help. Asking to serve. Asking to learn. It is not always easy and you will certainly get a lot of no's. The "no's" sting, they are discouraging, and come around often. But they simply make room for the yes's. They make room for the things you are really suppose to be doing and give you time to invest in the things that are going to be most rewarding. Much like you give thanks over the yes, give thanks for the no's.

"Stephanie, it has been my privilege to assist you on projects. You have been patient with me and taught me so much. The trust and responsibility you have given me on certain projects has allowed me to trust my own creative instincts and business decisions. I have always wanted to work for an accomplished, black woman, interior designer. You made that dream come true. I thank God for allowing our paths to cross." -Brittany Styles

There are many ways to connect with people. I challenge you to reach out to some people you would like to work with. I challenge you to commit to learning more about whatever industry you are interested in. Whether that is a new job, volunteering, books, etc. You have to be intentional. Let me know how it goes in the comments.🖤

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